Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Television is so real?

After the cancellation of Total Request Live, I wondered where the MTV company was heading. Looking over their entire TV schedule, there was no sign of actual music shows. During the day had repeats of those dating shows. Maybe a lucky guy goes through three different rooms, hoping to find the ideal girlfriend through the contents of what is inside. Or maybe there is this young couple. The parents disapprove of their daughter's boyfriend. The parents assert their skills and plan arranged dates.
Do you tune into MTV after these dating shows? You're probably watching the newer shows. And yes, the shows that appear during the night are better(I could be sarcastic, it doesn't matter). There are shows where a famous celebrity cannot find a best friend, so she has to have a show, where contestants prove that they are best friends with the celebrity. Players do meaningless tasks to win affection over her. Another show consists of a big house. In that house, there are eight people from all across America, "picked to live in a house".
In my opinion, the closest show that still tries to implement music are the credits. Yes, the credits. As the list of producers and actors scroll from the bottom to the top, it is panned to take up half of your TV screen. The other half is to show a clip from a music video. That's it.
Now, basing all of TV on MTV is not right. Of course there are other channels, other shows. But it seems like the trend of TV stations is to put out shows that deal with groups of people. These groups collaborate and do things that satisfy the show's requirement. What keeps people entertained is when things go wrong, and drama erupts within the people. Arguing, yelling, back-talking, slander, all of those components usually make a good show. A person could hit a person, and it will be on the news. Maybe someone else can say something racist. Anything that causes commotion.
Okay, That's all I got right now. Thanks for reading.
Justin, signing out.

Monday, January 19, 2009

How to work on my writing performance

This blogger is intended for me to write things with bulk and substance. Being a better writer could reflect a person's intelligence. I do not think my thoughts match my writing level; this is why I decided to start fresh. My plans consist of writing an entry four times a month, and watch if and how it progresses until we reach 2010. This blogger started late in the month, expect only two posts. February and the upcoming months will have more.

Get ready, something unexpected might come.

EDIT: Slight delay. No entries this month.